Lukile, Orange and Maela take on Haukke Manor with minimum ilvl sync. But the real question still remains: Who was fireplace? ► Follow us on Twitter: ► Catch us LIVE on...
Patch 4.1 is out, and the Speakers are ready to give their first initial review of the content added in the patch. And in the Great Discussion this episode: The...
Hello Eorzeans! Welcome to episode 22 of Remnants of a Realm! In this episode we’re taking a look at the lost region of Coerthas – Coerthas Central Lowlands...
Longest. Episode. Ever. Kinda. In this episode we go through the preliminary patch notes, the new Veteran Rewards system as well as discussing an interview claiming XIV...
Lukile, Maela and Yazz analyze the new 4.1 trailer, break down the live letter as well as asking the question most of the FFXIV community is asking as well: Where is...
Thanks for watching this episode of Secrets of a Realm! Hope you enjoyed! Leave a like if you did, and subscribe for moooore! :D/ ► Patreon: ► Follow us on Twitter: ►...
Lukile and Maela holds the floor without Yazz today as they dive into the new website for Patch 4.1. Companions and minions, timers, debuffs and buffs, and Yoshi-P now...
Hello Eorzeans! Welcome to episode 21 of Remnants of a Realm! We’re finally looking closer at everyone’s favorite feature: GUILDLEVES! Oh… and behests...
(Text version will be up on soon-ish) Thanks for watching this episode of Remnants of a Realm! We’ve officially reached episode 20! In this episode we’re...
We’re looking for more writers for our website: . In this episode we dive into a recent Yoshi-P interview, then we talk about chocobo racing, the moon, space...