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Mundus Reborn 1.1 Patch Notes

The following additions and adjustments have been made to Mundus:


Villager Luring
Players can now lure villagers by holding an emerald. Hold an emerald in your hand and nearby villagers will follow you. Throw an emerald on the ground and the villagers will go after it and can even pick it up to heal themselves. Pay a villager with an emerald by right-clicking and he follows you exclusively for a certain time. If you want him to stop following you, crouch down and right-click on the villager.

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New Grave System
The new grave system replaces the old one. Graves now despawn after 10 minutes and feature a visible timer above them. Once the timer expires, the grave and its contents are lost to the void.

Even More Fish
The custom Even More Fish plugin is back! Custom fish, the fish store, and fishing competitions have all been re-enabled.


The following features have been updated or adjusted:

Restocking Chest Shops
Owners of Chest Shops can now restock from anywhere in the world using the /restock command. Be cautious—this command will pull matching items from your inventory into your Chest Shops.

A farm limiter has been implemented to reduce server lag. When the server’s TPS drops significantly, the AI of animals in high-density farms is deactivated. Additionally, farms with more than 20 animals per 5 blocks will have excess animals culled. Named horses, dogs, and cats are not affected.

Main Story
The overarching storyline of Mundus has progressed faster than intended. To address this, the story progression is now on hold until specific criteria are met. Story progression depends on playtime, exploration, roaming NPCs, and World Events.
Note: This pause affects only the main storyline. NPC storylines will continue as usual.

Mail System
The mail system has been a success but has proven resource-intensive. To improve server performance:

  • Mail cycles have been reduced, with a higher TPS bar required for mail pickup.
  • Some NPCs can no longer be contacted via mail.
  • Roaming NPCs now feature an affection lock, meaning only players with a high affection score can receive replies. Mail sent before this update will still receive replies regardless of affection level. Affection levels are hidden and cannot be checked by players. Affection levels are also part of the non-roaming mail NPCs. Affection levels increase and decrease based on your interactions with them.
  • High affection scores may occasionally result in NPCs sending items to players.

The following NPCs are now available through the mail system:

  • Enty (Affection locked)
  • Balrion (Affection locked)
  • Mayor Odine
  • Scrompus
  • Groggle
  • Valmin
  • Tobbin
  • Lukas
  • Ian
  • Prince Ethian

Mail that was sent before maintenance has been processed. Due to the maintenance, there won’t be a chat notification for mail that arrived during maintenance, so make sure you check your mailbox!

Mail System Clarification

The mail system is not a chat service—it is intentionally designed to be slow. Here’s how it works:

  • The mail plugin periodically checks mailboxes three times per Earth day.
  • If the server’s TPS (ticks per second) is too low, the plugin will not check for mail.
  • When the TPS is sufficient, the plugin logs the mailboxes containing mail and begins the pickup process.

Once mail is picked up and accepted, the system holds the mail for a set cooldown period. After this cooldown:

  1. The plugin checks the TPS rate again.
  2. If the TPS is still too low, another cooldown is triggered.
  3. This cycle repeats until the TPS rate is high enough for mail processing.

During processing:

  • The system composes replies by sending the mail text through an LLM.
  • Responses are returned to the plugin for parsing, formatting, and book creation.
  • Completed books are slowly placed in mailboxes.

If the TPS drops below the threshold during delivery, the plugin will continue delivering mail but at a slower pace to reduce server strain.

Party mechanics have been adjusted:

  • Maximum party size is now 8 members.
  • Members inactive for more than 2 hours are automatically removed from the party.
  • The party level cap remains at level 70, but privileges have been updated as follows:
    • Party teleport unlocks at level 30.
    • Alliances unlock at level 35.
    • Item Share unlocks at level 45.
    • XP Share unlocks at level 70.

Raffle, Gref, and Vendors

  • Adjustments have been made to stores in Ironwood.
  • Changes have been applied to Ripley’s Gref Exchange in Simonville.
  • Updates have been made to The Raffle.


  • The gates and bridges plugin has been fixed! Functional portcullises, drawbridges, and large doors can now be reimplemented in major settlements.
  • Outdated plugins with little to no utility have been removed to optimize server performance.
  • The Kingsvalley portal location in the Nether has shifted due to changes in portal alignment. This issue is unfixable and a result of Mundus jank—good luck!

As Mundus is a notoriously broken server, I expect a plethora of permission issues with the new systems and adjustments. Please let me know if a feature is blocked due to permissions so I can fix them ASAP. Have fun!

Update: Clarification and correction about the affection system added. Added a more detailed description of the new Villager plugin.

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