Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn’s 3rd content patch introduced a lot of new content and fixes, but the community is facing another big issue – Eorzea is...
It’s another slow week in XIV. The calm before the storm. The next Live Letter is fast approaching, but until then the news are few and far between. So why not...
Happy New Year Eorzeans! Speakers of Hydaelyn returns from the holidays with discussions about Heavensturn 2020, updates regarding the upcoming FFXIV TV-series, and in...
Happy Starlight Eorzeans! In this last episode of 2019 we discuss the Starlight Celebration event, the updates to Blue Mage, and an interview with Masayoshi Soken about...
Live Letter LVI provided us with a lot of information about patch 5.2. In this episode we discuss all the upcoming changes and updates. The Diadem, Dungeons per patch...
We’re getting ever closer to 5.2, and it’s time to speculate about the (hopefully) upcoming relics. Do we want a repeat of the Eureka system or is it time to...
SE swings the suspension hammer on datamining – what’s the community’s response? What will happen to datamining in XIV in the future? And in the Great...
In this week’s episode of SoH we discuss the recent patch (Patch 5.11), the Alexander Ultimate World Race, and our woes regarding Ishgard Restoration. Was the...
In The Great Discussion this week we discuss how we feel about reusing plot points for certain patches, and how we feel about Zenos returning to the main story. Also...
Patch 5.1 happened! Time to analyze and discuss as much as possible! Please be advised that this episode contains SPOILERS for Patch 5.1’s main scenario, as well...