4.2 is here! And the Speakers are ready to give their (Spoiler Free) thoughts on the patch that introduced everything from the Glamour Toilet to Omega Sigmascape! Also...
So we pulled The Keeper of the Lake for minimum Ilvl. We played without any game audio for half the run. Then we started imitating the alarum. Then Lukile burped. Smurfs...
Patch 4.2 is about to hit, and what better way to warm up to the patch, than to read the patch notes! Minimum Ilvl: We had some issues prior to this episode, causing a...
Hello Eorzeans! Welcome back to Secrets of a Realm! In this episode we’re entering the sandy depths of Sandgate Mines! The full map of the dungeon is available on...
In the second part of this episode of Minimum Ilvl, the boys enter Neverreap for the second time. Lukile is not happy. (Part 1: ) ***************************************...
Live Letter XLI part 2 revealed more information about the upcoming patch 4.2, as well as the trailer, revealing none other than Kefka himself as Omega...
As if Neverreap wasn’t bad enough, they managed to make everything worse. Top drama. Moss. Ham. Paper. And lots and lots of salt. So much salt, in fact, we had to...
New information has surfaced about 4.2 regarding The Feast, the new Glamour System (RIP Commode), and the new Beast Tribe! Also a quick 2017 review, to sum up a troubled...
Hello Eorzeans! Welcome back to Remnants of a Realm! In this episode we’re returning to The Black Shroud, more specifically East Shroud! Among the attractions on...
This minimum ilvl run of The Sunken Temple of Qarn didn’t exactly go as planned… Lukile had some Jaffa cakes, and it just went downhill from there. Cookies...