We’re deep diving into the 3.4 Patch Notes! Join us! Patch notes: ► Follow us on Twitter: ► Catch us LIVE on Twitch: FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of...
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Speakers of Hydaelyn returns! Patch 3.4 is right around the corner! ► Follow us on Twitter: ► Catch us LIVE on Twitch: FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square...
► Follow us on Twitter: ► Catch us LIVE on Twitch: ► iTunes: TP on the party list? FLARE II? FLYING FAT CHOCOBOS?! What is this MADNESS?! FINAL FANTASY is a registered...
► Follow us on Twitter: ► Catch us LIVE on Twitch: ► iTunes: Lots of stuff going on, and Red Mage Confirmed? Links to the stuff we talked about: • TIME Magazine...
► Follow us on Twitter: ► Catch us LIVE on Twitch: ► iTunes: The day before the patch hits Eorzea, we dive into the little know about the upcoming patch. FINAL FANTASY...
► Follow us on Twitter: ► Catch us LIVE on Twitch: ► iTunes: Oh my gods. What a time to be alive! FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co...
► Follow us on Twitter: ► Catch us LIVE on Twitch: ► iTunes: Lonegan returns to SoH and we dive deep into everything we know about the upcoming expansion. (Parts of this...
► Follow us on Twitter: ► Catch us LIVE on Twitch: ► iTunes: We pour over the little we know about the upcoming changes to Eorzea before the expansion...
► Follow us on Twitter: ► Catch us LIVE on Twitch: ► iTunes: Lots of stuff happened at Pax East this weekend, and we dive into the juiciest of details! FINAL FANTASY is...