How is FFXIV holding up, 3 years after its release, and almost 3 months after patch 3.4? ► Follow us on Twitter: ► Catch us LIVE on Twitch: FINAL FANTASY is a registered...
(Don’t worry, it gets better in Episode Two) Hope you enjoy this first episode of the Fall and Rise of FFXIV! Remember to leave a like if you enjoyed – and...
We take a closer look at the recent Live Letter, (XXXIII) from November 25th 2016. ► Follow us on Twitter: ► Catch us LIVE on Twitch: FINAL FANTASY is a registered...
Link to the translated interview: ► Follow us on Twitter: ► Catch us LIVE on Twitch: FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. FINAL...
[FFXIV Podcast] SoH Episode XX – Stormblood Discussion, Patch 3.45 & Who Wants To Be A Gillionaire!
Further discussing the upcoming expansion, patch 3.4 AND the return of Who Wants To Be A Gillionaire! ► Follow us on Twitter: ► Catch us LIVE on Twitch: FINAL FANTASY is...
Recorded directly after the FFXIV Fan Fest, Las Vegas Stream (and the trailer). This is a condensed Podcast episode, and the next episode will be diving deeper into the...
► Follow us on Twitter: ► Catch us LIVE on Twitch: FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Holdings Co., Ltd. FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010-2015 SQUARE ENIX CO...
We’re deep diving into the 3.4 Patch Notes! Join us! Patch notes: ► Follow us on Twitter: ► Catch us LIVE on Twitch: FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of...
Patch 3.4 trailer:
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Speakers of Hydaelyn returns! Patch 3.4 is right around the corner! ► Follow us on Twitter: ► Catch us LIVE on Twitch: FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square...