Live Letter LXXI happened, and it’s time to dive into all the details! What can we expect from the new criterion dungeons? How do we feel about...
Category - Podcast
We complete and discuss the 4th and final part of Yoshi-P’s Vana’Diel interview, and there’s some really interesting topics in...
Patch 6.15 is out now, and it’s time for our review. In this episode we review the Omega and Tataru questline, and we’ll review the Tribe...
So Final Fantasy XVI’s second trailer released and the floodgates have opened! In this episode we discuss our reaction to it, and talk about...
Patch 6.11 was released last week, and it came with an interesting amount of buffs for Black Mage… These buffs are now being adjusted...
Speakers of Hydaelyn has reached episode 300! We celebrate with a look back at some of our best moments, before we dive into more Housing Lottery...
Yoshi-P has laid down the law again regarding 3rd party tools, and the community is torn. What is all the fuzz about? Let’s find out. Also; the...
Yoshi-P was interviewed by The Verge about the past and the future of FFXIV. It’s a very interesting interview, so it has to be discussed...
The winners of the Weapons Design contest has been announced and we take a look at the winning designs. We also read some new Yoshi-P intervews that...
The Housing Lottery issues are being addressed, and there have been several updates since the last episode of Speakers of Hydaelyn. Hatching Tide is...