Home » Main » [FFXIV] Last Yoshi-P Interviews before ShB & Are leaks Bad? | SoH | #149
We’ve entered the week of ShB Early Access, and we look at the last two Yoshi-P interviews before we throw wide the gates to the First. And in the Great Discussion we ask if the ShB leaks benefited the community in any way, and where datamining’s place is in all this mess.

Famitsu Interview: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/c2jhwc/interview_with_yoship_included_in_famitsus_18/

Gamer Escape Interview: https://gamerescape.com/2019/06/16/e3-2019-interview-with-final-fantasy-xivs-naoki-yoshida/

Goodbye Stormblood: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ybvFJG_Pik

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