Home » Main » [FFXIV] Subreddit Interview & Modding in XIV | SoH | Ep 90
The FFXIV Subreddit conducted an interview with MSQ lead writer Natsuko Ishikawa & localization lead John Crow. We dive into some of the questions asked, and discuss the answers. Last week a screenshot showing a conversation between a GM and a player using and posting pictures of their modded XIV client went viral. We discuss the XIV modding scene, and how ACT users always escape the wrath of SE.

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FFXIV Subreddit Interview: https://www.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/wiki/pax_2018_interview


Quick News Updates: 5:25

Subreddit Interview: 22:37

Minimum Ilvl Draw: 50:18

The Great Discussion – Mods in XIV: 55:05
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