Yoshi-P did a massive lore interview with Famitsu earlier this year, and Akh Morning has been working hard to translate the whole thing. Let’s read through it and...
Playlist - Speakers of Hydaelyn
The Speakers of Hydaelyn podcast – covering everything XIV every week.
Matsuno and Yoshi-P sat down with Famitsu and discussed the Save The Queen storyline, and might have revealed future plans for more Dalmasca story down the line! We also...
A recent post on the subreddit has sparked a big discussion within the community. Is FFXIV in need of better tools to protect players from harassment? Or could such...
The Live Letter has concluded, and it’s time to discuss the details! What are the job changes? How does it affect the jobs in EW? How cool is Summoner now? And...
It’s been a quiet week in XIV, but an old crossover is returning this week. Final Fantasy XV’s crossover event started this Monday, and this is likely your...
In the Great Discussion this week we discuss the use of mods in XIV (this is against FFXIV’s ToS and Speakers Network does not condone the use of 3rd party plugins...
During the mana stress test last week Yoshi-P “leaked” some new information about a certain fight getting a facelift in Endwalker. We also read a very...
The Rising is on the horizon. And as Moonfire Faire is coming to a close we review the 2021 summer event. We also talk about the waves of scam links, and the upcoming...
Banri Oda sat down for a Q&A with 4Gamer last week, and some of the questions yielded some VERY interesting answers. We also report on the Chaos DDoS attack, and...
Moonfire Faire is coming up, and the rewards look… interesting. POLAR BEAR! And Final Fantasy XIV’s cookbook is now available for preorder! We also begin our...