Patch 5.1 is about to hit us, so let’s read through some patch notes! These are quite long, so strap in! We also discuss the recently released (unofficial) XIV...
Playlist - Speakers of Hydaelyn
The Speakers of Hydaelyn podcast – covering everything XIV every week.
Live Letter LV aired last week, and the Speakers discuss all the new info provided by Yoshi-P & Foxclon. Also a quick analysis of the Patch 5.1 Trailer and a review...
The new 5.1 site is up, so it’s time to soak up as much info from it as possible! All Saints Wake is coming as well – what can we expect this year? PvP...
In this episode of Speakers of Hydaelyn the Speakers discuss the upcoming feature “Ishgard Restoration” as well as the rebirth of the Diadem, changes to...
The Moogle Treasure Trove “event” returns! And in the Great Discussion we discuss where we’re heading next – What’s up with G’raha...
Rollo returns to the show, and the crew is finally united again. In this episode we discuss the latest Tales from the Shadows story, and a bunch of new Pax West...
Live Letter LIV happened over the weekend, and it’s time to analyze and discuss what was presented. Among the topics are the new tribe quests featuring the pixies...
Pax West 2019 happened last week, and we were treated to a panel with Main Scenario writer Ishikawa and Art Director Suzuki. Lots of neat information was revealed from...
The Gamescom interviews are still coming in, and we read through some of the most interesting ones. What was the inspiration for Emet Selch? Will we get a new FF MMO...
During Gamescom last week, Yoshi-P and Banri Oda answered questions submitted on the official forums. The Speakers read through the roughly transcribed Q&A and...