Eureka has been released, and the guys are finally ready to give their verdict on the new content! Also: Ungarmax Exploits scandal ends with a post by Yoshi-P explaining...
Playlist - Speakers of Hydaelyn
The Speakers of Hydaelyn podcast – covering everything XIV every week.
Eureka is just about to launch with patch 4.25, and there’s an eerie silence in the XIV community as we wait for the big day on Tuesday. The Speakers break the...
The Squadron Command Mission LB “Ungarmax” exploit has finally been patched. Little Ladies Day is underway, and we get more information on Eureka –...
It’s raining glowsticks, and the pearly gates of Balmung have opened! The Speakers discuss the upcoming Little Ladies’ Day event, the housing crisis being...
It’s the 4.2 Spoilercast Episode! The boys sit down to discuss the 4.2 MSQ as well as the Sigmascape storyline. The Maid and Butler outfit is on the MogStation for...
It’s real! Eureka is REAL! The Speakers Discuss Eureka, as well as Live Letter XLII’s Q&A session and the recent drama surrounding the housing...
4.2 is here! And the Speakers are ready to give their (Spoiler Free) thoughts on the patch that introduced everything from the Glamour Toilet to Omega Sigmascape! Also...
Patch 4.2 is about to hit, and what better way to warm up to the patch, than to read the patch notes! Minimum Ilvl: We had some issues prior to this episode, causing a...
Live Letter XLI part 2 revealed more information about the upcoming patch 4.2, as well as the trailer, revealing none other than Kefka himself as Omega...
New information has surfaced about 4.2 regarding The Feast, the new Glamour System (RIP Commode), and the new Beast Tribe! Also a quick 2017 review, to sum up a troubled...